Thinking About Adding A Community Memorial In Your Town?

Cornerstone Kiosk offers you a monument that can exceed your expectations and be a source of pride.

A community needs memorials for all kinds of reasons.
  • Commemorate veterans of foreign wars.
  • Memorialize fallen firefighters and police officers.
  • Recognize neighbors and friends lost to the pandemic.
  • Celebrate local historical figures who championed civil rights

In every instance the memorial needs to be dignified and appropriate. It has to have a stature and permanence that is obvious to all, and yet, in many cases, it may need to be changeable and updateable.

Our kiosk provides your town with a monument that has four sides. Each side can be configurated in one of three ways and each panel can be either short or long as your need dictates:

  • A permanent cast bronze panel.
  • A semi permanent fiberglass embedded panel.
  • A changeable backlit poster cabinet.

We will work with you to help decide which type of memorial would be most appropriate and to provide you with renderings and revisions as you go through the approval process.

Tell us about your memorial project ideas and send off photos of the locations you are considering so we can be most helpful.

A small serene garden or pocket park with brick pavers and a couple of benches encircling your monument is often all that is needed to provide a peaceful, reflective setting for your new memorial. When you are ready we are here to help.

Cornerstone Kiosk, Inc.

Makers of Community Kiosks for Beautification,
Placemaking and Hometown Memorials
Long Beach, California

(631) 258-0672



