cornerstone kiosk


Cornerstone Kiosk can provide you with an elegant outdoor display.

Now you can put your streetscape to work promoting the historical highlights, tours and architecture in your town. Cornerstone Kiosk provides you with an architecturally compelling streetscape showcase that looks stately and commands attention.


Cornerstone Kiosks

Reading Length

5 minute read


Cornerstone Kiosk, your community focal point, helps you do exactly that...

Placemaking is often described as creating an emotional connection between a person and a place. Cornerstone Kiosks serve as a focal point and a gathering place to reinforce the things that mean hometown to us.


Cornerstone Kiosks

Reading Length

7 minute read


It’s so helpful to show your board what you have in mind.

When you request a free layout from Cornerstone Kiosk, we’ll email you a layout the same day. If you don’t have specific poster graphics that you would like us to include in the layout, we can simply use screen shots from your website.


Cornerstone Kiosks

Reading Length

4 minute read


Create a new revenue stream for your organization

When you purchase a Cornerstone kiosk you own it outright. You control your kiosk and can use it to best serve your community’s needs be it for public information about events or for income producing ads to fund other community projects.


Cornerstone Kiosks

Reading Length

3 minute read

    • 3521 East 2nd Street

    • Long Beach

    • CA

    • 90803

    • United States

    • 631-258-0672

  • Website

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  • cornerstone kiosk | Cornerstone Kiosk

  • We offer a quality streetscape Kiosks that will be the focal point that helps create a sense of place, pride and brand to your community, residents & visitors.